To answer Don Henley's question from the song "I Will Not Go Quietly", PossumZombie.Com evolved from my internal struggles with the duality of the left brain / right brain pissing match. My elder "alter ego" known as the HitBunny is the analytical left side. It was something my husband, OrionEngnr, uttered repeatedly in his sleep. I woke up out of a deep sleep hearing it and decided that was uttered for me to hear. Semi-recently, the PossumZombie became clear it's my creative side. I'm not allowed to challenge it while being sober. The HitBunny won't bother with me if I've even sipped Irish cream or Moonshine. Say whuut?? No. I don't get out much.

Left, right, dark, light, good, evil... we all have these elements to keep in balance. Us Piceans can be way too creative to use this balance of power for good and so as I find myself trying to keep frogs from jumping out of a box, I struggle to shut my brain up cos YES! I know I started this debacle by going to the pet store and buying a box of frogs! Knowing amphibians will dry up and get icky without water, the nature of these beasts always has to push the envelope. Which reminds me... anyone remember Box of Frogs? Where the hell am I going with all of this???

I'm certified as a Reiki Master and I'm also certified in other modalities used for changing negative energy into positive. I AM IN NO WAY A HIPPY!!! But yes — I am "certifiable". I thought HitBunny was a perfect nickname cos a HitBunny — like a hitman — can make bad things go away. Yes, I'm a bit of left of center when it comes to people's expectations. Blame it on 40+ years of sitcom TV shows or boredom or surviving being run over by an SUV when I was 35. Yeah, my bells got rung so now I'm a card carrying member of the Traumatic Brain Injury club. This ccomplicated my stroke recovery as I learned on my own that my brain's expectations are mostly the opposite of what neurogists advise with this "specialized" medical training they have. <engage eye roll....>

This is where the original MadTV Spy vs. Spy enters the equation.... The HitBunny and PossumZombie represent my left brain right brain conundrum. One is good and one is... I can't use "evil" anymore cos demonrats ruined that word.... One is good and the other is WICKED! No, I'm not from Boston — just mean spirited for my own amusement. Much like how cats torment dogs. My stroke was on the right so it dramatically affected the left side of my body.

Yes, quite the conundrum, it is....

My good physical spy vs my wicked mental spy is the analytical vs the creative. The grey spy, I guess, is where God rides shotgun with my higher self and just holds life's road map without telling me where to turn. Got it. Drive straight or drive into a ditch. Don't be a dumbass.

So now... knowing who the players are, keep in mind the physical and mental have both been compromised by a hemorrhagic stroke and over half of the time, they don't even know who's good and who's not! This seriously affects the playing field for both opponents and my creative right brain delights in this baffoonery.

In full disclosure, these avatars are NOT my original designs. I can't find the artists to credit them so if they find me, PLEASE HOLLA!
