The PossumZombie was an unexpected rival to my alter ego, the HitBunny. It's also a very animated version of myself that has the energy to take on struggles I face each day in my stroke recovery AND in the political strife I have to confront however I do whereas the HitBunny is more like a sniper — you won't see it coming or going. Think Spy vs Spy....

For all intents and purposes, this site is now the umbrella to the other websites I spend my time on as a result of my career in IT and web design. I was in IT at the digital calendar switch of 1999 to 2000. To those not yet born — nothing catastrophic happened. I still find ways to use my old programming skills with new technology cos I'm still a lazy nerd these days. While I'm also still a photographer and dog mom at heart, I don't photograph near as much as I used to and our pack of northern breed dogs is sadly thinning. That's where my web designing plays an important factor — I'm still in the game in various respects. I have enough to keep me physically and mentally engaged with what I do in my "free" time.

I'm also a survivor of a near fatal truck wreck and a hemorrhagic stroke. Now with a lot of said free time (forced into an early retirement time...) on my hands, this is where BlueCoyote comes into play — It's where I use arts and crafts as my occupational therapy. And a place to escape the political turbulence....

I call this section "shenanigans" cos this is where the new and / or goofy stuff goes for now. The "zombie" element in all of this started with the political shit-throwing. As a God-fearing constitutional conservative, the current political weather and the proverbial mountain I chose / choose to stand and / or die on — and what's trying to do to me. While I'll acknowledge the fact I'm weathering the storm at the amusement of what I'm finding online in various forms of social media and conservative news sites, I chose not to link any of these sites to me — at this time. Should I get "vocal" about any of it and include my perspective, trust anything I post will be lain with sarcasm cos that's how I roll....